list of basics problems

1181    Obfuscated Property FUSC 6 0.74
2135    SPOJ Custom Test BACTERIA 10647 44.76
2730    Life, the Universe, and Everything (Interactive) EXPECT 7410 19.98
12026    Test 1 TESTINT 27576 45.53
12156    Half of the half STRHH 13298 31.59
12176    Character Patterns (Act 1) CPTTRN1 11755 41.76
12177    Character Patterns (Act 2) CPTTRN2 8028 48.39
12178    Character Patterns (Act 3) CPTTRN3 5169 55.27
12180    Character Patterns (Act 4) CPTTRN4 3525 65.84
12185    Character Patterns (Act 5) CPTTRN5 1311 35.41
12187    Character Patterns (Act 6) CPTTRN6 1401 67.73
12188    Character Patterns (Act 7) CPTTRN7 942 43.90
12205    Minimum Bounding Rectangle HS12MBR 1483 62.35
12206    Hidden Password HS12HDPW 835 37.61
13524    Evaluate simple RPN expression RPNEVAL 110 10.53
15708    Divisibility SMPDIV 7803 51.90
15709    Two Circles SMPCIRC 1498 24.59
15710    Iterated sums SMPSUM 6601 53.26
15711    Wow SMPWOW 9107 50.21
16891    Character Patterns (Act 8) CPTTRN8 511 57.59
16892    Straight Line Spiral Pattern (Act 1) SPTTRN1 253 35.34
16934    Straight Line Spiral Pattern (Act 2) SPTTRN2 211 66.77
16935    Straight Line Spiral Pattern (Act 3) SPTTRN3 125 35.90
17102    Fun with Sequences SMPSEQ3 3499 41.29
17103    Fun with Sequences (Act 2) SMPSEQ4 2477 66.70
17104    Fun with Sequences (Act 3) SMPSEQ5 2002 44.76
17126    Fun with Sequences (Act 4) SMPSEQ6 1012 52.58
17481    Fun with Sequences (Act 5) SMPSEQ7 719 29.81
17921    XOR BSCXOR 7798 58.21
17994    Cross Pattern (Act 1) PCROSS1 1120 51.59
17995    Cross Pattern (Act 2) PCROSS2 571 55.34
18011    Fun with Sequences (Act 6) SMPSEQ8 1011 47.56
18012    Fun with Sequences (Act 7) SMPSEQ9 872 52.47
18139    Substitution cipher SMPCPH1 524 43.65
23919    Sum of two numbers CHITEST1 4350 44.73
25312    Duronto Eagle DRNTEAGL 466 21.78
26130    Binary numbers CHI_BINARY 48 11.01
26246    Strange But Easy SERI07 351 37.29
26303    Natural numbers CHI_NATURAL 8 4.40
26386    n-th root CHI_ROOT 76 55.06
26446    The real exponential CHI_EXP 52 69.71
26447    The real sine CHI_SIN 54 67.23
26448    The real logarithm CHI_LOG 63 61.54
26449    The real arctangent CHI_ATAN 26 59.30
27262    Emoticons EMO 5 2.11
27599    Brocken Data Base BRKDB 54 22.53
27609    Simple Average AVRG 738 21.91
28270    Team Building BIPCSMR16 148 19.19
28587    A problem of Backtracking BTCK 535 28.88
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